

Version: 1.2
Release Date: March 5, 2021
Last Updated: March 26, 2021
Authors: Nicolas Mills, Roy Ceyleon, Perikles Tsikrikis, Michael Okenye, Syed Ahmed
Editors: Jeff Kolnick, Yasmine Ali, Ruth Schmidt, Brayden Mckay, Anshul Khatri

Table of Contents

(1) Introduction

The following provides an overview of the StockEye Analysis.

(1.1) Project Summary

StockEye is a web application that aggregates and analyses tweets related to the stock market from the popular social media platform Twitter, and offers information regarding the public sentiments of stocks and volume metrics to its users. StockEye seeks to serve its audience in multiple ways. For one, Twitter is a valuable source of data, as it currently acts as a hub for global public opinion. Due to the impact that public opinion has on the market, the analysis of Twitter data presented by StockEye enables its users to make more informed investment decisions. Additionally, StockEye will save users time, as they will no longer be required to research and analyse the Twitter sentiments themselves.

(1.2) Purpose

This document will cover the analysis for StockEye and describe all of its features and functionalities in detail and provide diagrams to aid comprehension. This will set the foundation upon which important design refinements will be made.

(1.3) References

A complete list of all documents and other sources of information referenced.

(2) Object Classification

This section describes all the entity, boundary, and control objects comprising the StockEye application.

(2.1) Entity Objects

Entity Description
User The user interacting with StockEye
Member A User that is logged-in.
Visitor A User that is not logged-in.
Database The StockEye Database, which stores all data utilized.

(2.2) Boundary Objects

Boundary Description
WatchlistView Displays the User’s Watchlist(s).
StockView Displays information about a Stock, such as its name, price, sentiment and relevant tweets.
FilterStockView Displays a list of Stocks based on applied conditional filters.
UserLoginView Displays a login form for a User to sign into the software.
AccountSettingsView Displays current User account information.
RegistrationView Displays User registration form.
HomeView Displays a list of Stocks based on a default conditional filter, such as highest sentiment.

(2.3) Control Objects

Control Description
UserController Coordinates actions made on a User entity.
FilterStockController Coordinates the application of filters on a list of Stocks.
WatchlistController Coordinates the retrieval of a User’s Watchlist(s).
StockController Coordinates the display of a specified Stock.
AccountSettingsController Coordinates changes made to a User’s account information.
RegistrationController Coordinates User registration.

(3) Diagrams

This section provides details and diagrams exhibiting the interactions between the various objects in StockEye.

(3.1) Boundary/Control/Entity Diagram


(3.2) State Diagrams

This subsection provides details and diagrams exhibiting the control objects in StockEye at a deeper level.

(3.2.1) Account Settings Controller Class

State Description
View Account Settings View current account settings.
Modify Account Settings Modify desired account settings (password, email address etc.)
Apply Modifications Apply and save modifications made to account settings.

(3.2.2) Filter Stock Controller Class

State Description
View Stocks View a list of all available Stocks.
Select Filter Choose how to filter the list of Stocks from a selection of filtering options.
Apply Filter Apply the selected filters.

(3.2.3) Stock Controller Class

State Description
View Stock View information regarding a selected Stock, such as name, price, sentiment, sentiment history, and relevant tweets.
Save Stock to Watchlist Add the Stock currently being viewed to an existing Watchlist.

(3.2.4) User Controller Class

State Description
Login User The User logs in
Logout User The User logs out.

(3.2.5) Watchlist Controller Class

State Description
Create Watchlist Create a new Watchlist.
Access Watchlists View all available Watchlists the User has created.
Edit Watchlist Modify an existing Watchlist. This includes renaming the Watchlist, adding a new Stock to the Watchlist, and removing an existing Stock from the Watchlist.
Delete Watchlists Delete an existing Watchlist.
View Watchlists View a selected Watchlist from existing Watchlists.

(3.2.6) Registration Controller Class

State Description
View Registration Form Displays registration form.
Submit Registration Form User submission of registration form.
Validate Registration Information User submitted registration information is validated. If invalid, the User is shown the invalid information, else registration is successful.
View Log-in Displays log-in page.

(3.3) Class Diagram

Class Description
Account The User account.
Watchlist A customized list of stocks created by the User.
Stock A company stock.
Tweet A post on Twitter.

(4) Non-functional Attributes

(5) Change History

The StockEye Analysis is a living document, changing as the project progresses. While Google Docs is used to track the editing history, the StockEye Analysis includes references to major changes of the document within itself.

Date Description of Change(s) Contributor(s)
February 28, 2021 Initial draft of Analysis completed
  • Nicolas Mills
  • Roy Ceyleon
  • Syed Ahmed
  • Perikles Tsikrikis
  • Michael Okenye
March 5, 2021 Final draft of Analysis completed
  • Nicolas Mills
  • Roy Ceyleon
  • Syed Ahmed
  • Perikles Tsikrikis
  • Michael Okenye
  • Yasmine Ali
  • Anshul Khatri
  • Jeff Kolnick
  • Ruth Schmidt
  • Brayden Mckay
March 17, 2021 Revised Class Diagram
  • Roy Ceyleon
March 26, 2021 Revised Boundary/Control/Entity Diagram
  • Roy Ceyleon

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